Fallout: New California

The Public Network Restoration Project is a taxpayer-funded program in the New California Republic to repair and expand pre-War communications systems, including radio, television, and the internet, for use by NCR citizens.


The project was begun in 2235 under President Tandi's administration, and resulted in the creation of three public communication networks in New California: New California Republic Public Radio, New California Republic Broadcast Service, and NCR Online. The project focused heavily on the Boneyard and San Fernando Valley, due to the large amount of destroyed prewar infrastructure, and utilizes NCR military engineers for the process of repairing or laying down cables and lines. By 2260, after 25 years and a cost of 8 million NCR dollars, the project had succeeded in bringing internet access to 18% of New California, as well as television and radio access to most of southern California. Despite the benefits it brought to many NCR citizens, it has been heavily criticized by Senators such as Paul DuVille as a waste of taxpayer money and military resources.
