Fallout: New California

Chief Paul Evanson is a character in Fallout: New California.


Chief Evanson is in charge of sending out the Scout patrols, according to Tier 1, Terminal 4. He was part of the team who rescued the orphans from the wasteland, along with Sgt. Norman and Dr. Rossman, according to Dr. Rossman. He is good friends with Yetti Hail.

Interaction with the player character[]

Chief Evanson initiates the quest Defeat the Enclave and progresses the quest Save the Vault. You meet him at the top of the stairs in the Hydroponics Lab.


  • 10mm Rounds
  • Case, 10 mm
  • Police Baton
  • 10 MM Pistol Extended Mags
  • 10 MM SMG Extended Mags
  • Terrarium Door Key