Fallout: New California

The Euripides Power Relay Station is a location in Fallout: New California.


Located north of Union City along I-15, the Euripides Power Relay Station is a power plant and relay station in the Cajon Pass which managed to escape the Great War relatively unscathed. Its ability to continue functioning as electricity infrastructure after the war made it an important area for the NCR and the Survivalist Raiders alike. Union City and the Athens-Tec Mine both derive most of their power from the station, as do other settlements such as Angel Breakers.

As of 2260, rising tensions between the Raiders and the NCR, as well as the sudden reemergence of the Mind Virus, have made the station a strategic target for both sides but have also jeopardized and put massive strain on the station. As such, several warriors of the Nanjima Clan, including the She Shi herself, were sent to guard the station.


Built on the northern Cajon Playa, the station is a large elevated rectangular structure that easily stands out from a distance on the flat sands of the playa. A staircase in the middle of the structure is the only way onto the main platform of the station, serving as a chokepoint and guarded by two laser turrets which may be hacked (Science 75+) and used to defend the station.

The main platform of the station is littered with power transformers and generators, as well as many trunks with weapons and loot scattered around. A generator in the center is marked by a bright blue light pole, and holds the main switch which controls and resets the power flow of the station. A workbench and reloading bench can be found on the middle left side of the platform.

Behind the station are a pair of large war drums from which the savage super mutants and infected savages launch their attack on the relay station. They can be heard playing during the battle.

Notable loot[]

  • Six mini nukes - In a toolbox labeled the "Gilbert Atomic Energy Lab for Boys" on the side of a generator.
  • Five throwing hatchets - In a box near the main generator and power switch.
  • Fifteen Tribal bronze spears - Scattered around the main platform.
  • Stop sign shield - Found on the ground in front of the power switch.
  • Gatling Gunner Infantry Robmibo - Collectible used to upgrade Biscuit, found near the power switch.
  • Robots 2500! - 3rd Edition - Note, found as a book ("Robots 2500! 3rd Edition Ruleset") near the power switch.

Behind the scenes[]

Euripides was a Greek dramatist, best known for creating over 90 plays during his life, with 19 surviving to the present, all of which reinventing classic mythology to tell and reflect darker sides of human nature.

