Fallout: New California

Donnie's man cave is a location in Union City.


The location is accessed via a cellar door on the east side of a ruined building, across from the Union City clinic. Bright neon letters mark the location on the basement wall, along with a backroom with an antique strongbox. The code to open the strongbox is 356.

Scattered around the room are consumables, inoperable television sets, and chess. A circle of chairs indicates some type of meetings may have taken place here. A working light switch on the wall next to the neon lights will illuminate the back room. Upon leaving, the exit door to the staircase back outside will be marked "boredom" with an arrow pointing down.


Donnie's man cave appears only in Fallout: New California




Fallout New California All 5 Antique Strongbox Puzzle Guide and Locations
