Fallout: New California

Carrion is a side quest on the Raider Alliance arc in Fallout: New California.


The Black Vultures are readying to attack the wrecked sand crawler, and their leader Tanok asks the Star Player if they want a piece of the action.

Quick Walkthrough[]

Follow Tanok to the waiting Vultures and prepare for the raid!
Capture the Merchant Crawler!
Speak to Tanok.

Detailed Walkthrough[]

The player character must have joined the Raider Alliance and completed the first stages of Join The War Machine for the quest to become available.

While wandering the Pass south of the I-138 - I-15 beltway, Tanok may approach and inform the player character that his group of Black Vultures are about to attack the wrecked sand crawler. If one accepts, simply follow Tanok to the sand crawler and attack with the Vultures. There are eight of them who will attack along with you and Tanok. Once Sonja, all the crawler team hands, and the crawler's junk turrets are killed or destroyed/disabled, simply speak to Tanok again.

If the player character has less than 5 Perception, there is nothing more to be done. All of the items on the crawler will be free to take as rewards, including 300 bulk microfusion cells and large amounts of purified water.

With Perception 5+, one may ask Tanok about strange noises (option appears after asking Tanok a question); Tanok will reveal that the crawler was carrying children, and that the Vultures are planning to sell them as slaves. From here, there are two options. First, you can try to convince Tanok to let the children go:

  • With Strength, Charisma, or Intelligence 7+ Tanok will agree. The children will flee to Union City, where they will stay in the Union City Hotel.
  • If those requirements are not met, Tanok will tell off the player character. A raider will lead the children to the slave barracks at Black Horse Ranch.

The second choice is to convince Tanok to sell the children under the player character's name:

  • With Strength 7+, Tanok will be threatened into agreeing; the Vultures will flee to the I-138 - I-15 beltway. The children will be sent to the ranch. If the check is failed, the Vultures will turn hostile (but Wild Card will not be started) and the children will escape to Union City in the commotion.
  • With Charisma 7+, Tanok will grudgingly agree; the Vultures will stay at the crawler. The children will be sent to the ranch. If the check is failed, the same will happen as with the Strength check.

Regardless of which choice was chosen and whether Tanok was convinced or not, the quest will complete and the items on the crawler will be free to take as rewards, including 300 bulk microfusion cells and large amounts of purified water.


  • If Tanok is stuck somewhere while leading the player character to the crawler, simply follow the quest objective marker to the crawler. Tanok will teleport to the crawler and the quest will continue as normal.
  • Dialogue with Tanok if the Charisma check to sell the children is passed implies that one can collect payment from Beuford Duffney afterwards. However, this is not implemented.